Time to open your windows, let in that fresh air, play your favorite playlist on Spotify, and whistle while you work! It's finally Spring, friends, and I don't know about you, but Marie Kondo's Tidying up on Netflix is my new obsession and so is my springtime skincare routine. We all know spring is the perfect time for spring cleaning and refreshing everything in your life. Weirdly enough though, I rarely hear about cleaning or organizing your vanity among the suggested steps! As with everything else, your vanity needs a thorough cleansing to create the perfect balance of joy, peace and aesthetic... a fung shui, if you will.
Let me give you some background on myself to lend some credibility. One thing you should know about me is that this May I graduate from college with a degree in Interior Design and plan to continue sharpening my skills as a designer in my new BIG GIRL JOB that starts in June! AHHH! Sorry! I just can't believe this day has come and I am SO EXCITED!
With my interior design knowledge in hand, and my obsession with all things design, I want to share some tips to help you Feng Shui your vanity this spring.
I think the trick to Feng Shui-ing your vanity is truly to start by Feng Shui-ing your surroundings. In the world of Interior Design, we are constantly taught to create a space that reflects the beauty within the client. The end goal is to harmonize both the wishes of the client and your professional vision to design a cohesive environment the owner of the home can thrive in. As a designer, it is my job to create a clean slate that allows for the beauty of Feng Shui to bloom. Getting rid of unnecessary clutter, making organization manageable, and utilizing natural lighting are just a few of the many tactics we use to find that balance we all so desperately long for. This is the basis of Feng Shui, ladies. Balance, Balance. Balance!
I find that some of the same ideals of Feng Shui can be related to how you decide to approach your skincare routine. Do you really need 100 products? Half of them expired, a quarter of them half-used and thrust aside, and the rest used weekly because you simply don't want to waste your money? No! I believe that when it comes to your skincare routine, it is important to have a simplistic routine that helps you and your skin thrive and keeps your vanity decluttered.
Get inspired, get pumped up and get educated! Finding a regimen that is balanced and manageable is truly the beginning steps on how to Feng Shui your vanity. The goal is to educate yourself on what your skin and body needs to feel it's best. Beauty starts from the inside and is maintained on the outside. Taking those 10 extra minutes in the morning to pour that glass of ice water, open your window to hear the birds chirping, and nourish your skin with ingredients that fit YOU and your needs will ensure you to live with inner and outer harmony. Not only with regards to your skin, but in your life.
The basis of Feng Shui is balance. And, well, your skin needs balance, too. With Higher Education Skincare, I found it *cue Hallelujah sound effects*. I have had my fair share of difficulties when it comes to skincare routines and my selections of products. I felt uneducated, that my routine was unmanageable, I was inconsistent, felt unimpressed and overwhelmed, and the list can go on and on. Once I found Higher Education Skincare, all my looming skincare questions were answered. I felt valued, understood, and at ease each morning and night when I no longer had to "create" what I thought was a good routine. HES made skincare simple for me, and in turn, this translated into the simplicity of my vanity. I no longer have an insane number of unused products. Instead, I have a minimal collection of everything I need to help my skin flourish on the outside to reflect how I feel on the inside. When spring cleaning your vanity, remember Marie Kondo's signature philosophy, the KonMari method, in which rule #6 states: Ask yourself if it sparks joy.
That leads me to my next point, which is to ask yourself: how do I feel when I've walked out the door in sweats, an old baggy T-shirt, maybe haven't showered in a few days and looking a bit frumpy? (We all have those days.) Vs. how do I feel when I leave the house with a fresh face, clean clothes, and legs looking Rachel Green GOOOOD? My point is, sometimes even the slightest efforts make you FEEL incredible, like you can conquer so much more in your day! It's all about finding that balance and keeping note of the simple things that spark your inner joy. I cannot encourage you enough to take a bit of time in the morning to get ready and prepare. The same thing goes for your night time routine. Create a ritual and before climbing into your cozy bed, cleanse your face, exfoliate, and hydrate away (my personal favorite is DOUBLE MAJOR® Hyaluronic Acid Gel Moisturizer) and then throw on your silky eye mask and get some beauty sleep.
I recently stopped at Target to get some business clothes for my new job and was so surprised by the amount of trendy, minimalistic, stylish yet comfy options they had to offer. As I rummaged through the collection, I glanced at the tags of some of my picks and saw the words, A New Day. First off, CUTEST dang clothing brand if you are a lady on a budget but are still wanting that trendy business casual look...highly recommend. I digress, but I also think that's exactly the mindset we should all try to have. A new day, a new start, a new season, a new skincare routine. Every day is a reminder that YOU are here to create an impact. Whether that be a teacher, designer, friend, or a mother... you can wake up and start fresh. Start with your vanity and your skincare routine and you'll be surprised how this affects not only your skin but your everyday life. This spring I encourage you to approach each day through the lens of: this is A New Day.
When you take a little extra time to treat yourself to self-care and enjoy those moments with no distractions, it will help you refuel, recharge, and perform your best. My favorite time to reflect or prepare for the day is at my vanity, applying my skincare and just listening to my favorite music (I know once you Marie Kondo your vanity, this will be your fave place to chill, too.)
The art of Feng Shui is just the stepping stone to being at peace with your surroundings and reminding yourself "it's okay that I take those few extra minutes to relax in the morning: I am worth it". Life moves crazy fast, but when you center yourself, find balance, practice self-care, and appreciate your surroundings, a new day, will feel as fresh as that calm spring air. That, after all, is a piece of the complex science of Feng Shui: harmonizing yourself with your surroundings. Where better to start than where your day begins and ends: your vanity.
And as I hear Marie Kondo peacefully blaring from my living room right now, "find joy" in the simple moments in life, because no matter how much time goes by, you and your skin are always worth it.